Education Awards
Soroptimists empower women and girls through education because educated women and girls are:
Less vulnerable to sex traffickers
More likely to leave a domestic violence situation and not return
Able to access healthcare
Less likely to live in poverty
Able to raise stronger, healthier families
What our award recipients say
Some of our past recipients
We provide awards in 3 categories:
1. Live Your Dream Awards
The Live Your Dream Awards were established in 1972 to assist women with primary financial responsibility for their dependents to obtain the skills-training and education necessary to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.
Recipients are women who have overcome life challenges. These are women – just like you!
Award recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, including books, childcare, and transportation.
The Live Your Dream Awards Program provides three levels of cash awards. The awards begin at the local Soroptimist Club-level; the top Club-level award recipient is then eligible for the Region-level awards of either $3,000 or $5,000 and the top Region-level award recipient then becomes eligible to receive one of three International-level awards of $10,000.
You are eligible if you are a woman who:
Provides the primary financial support for yourself and your dependents. Dependents can include children, spouse, partner, siblings and/or parents.
Has demonstrated financial need.
Is enrolled in or has been accepted to a vocational or skills training program, high school equivalency, or an undergraduate degree program.
Is motivated to achieve your education and career goals.
Resides on Southern Vancouver Island (Nanaimo and south).
Has not previously been the recipient of a Soroptimist Women’s Opportunity or Live Your Dream Award.
Does not have a graduate degree.
Is not a Soroptimist member, an employee of Soroptimist International of the Americas, or immediate family of either.
Applications for awards are accepted between August 1st and November 15th of each year. Award recipients are notified in January/February of the following year.
Applications are open from August 1 to November 15 every year. Want us to send you an email when applications open on Aug 1?
Check out these videos for an overview of how to apply for a Live Your Dream Award, how to strengthen your application, and what to expect after you apply.
2. Give Her Wings Award
The Give Her Wings Award recognizes women who have transitioned out of the foster care system in Canada and helps them to further their education. Eligibility is similar to the Live Your Dream Awards, however, applicants need not have dependents.
Recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, tuition, and transportation.
You are eligible if you are a woman who:
Has transitioned out of the foster care system in Canada.
Is enrolled in or has been accepted to a vocational or skills training program, high school equivalency, or an undergraduate degree program..
Resides on Southern Vancouver Island (Nanaimo and south).
Is not a Soroptimist member, an employee of Soroptimist International of the Americas, or immediate family of either.
Apply between August 1st and November 15th of each year. Award recipients are notified in January/February of the following year.
Applications are open from August 1 to November 15 every year. Want us to send you an email when applications open on Aug 1?
3. Kwetlal Award
Unique to Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore, the Kwetlal Award was created to assist those who self-identify as women and Indigenous to improve their education, skills, and employment prospects.
Kwetlal Award recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, tuition, and transportation.
Eligible applicants are women who:
Self-identify as Indigenous.
Reside on Southern Vancouver Island (Nanaimo and south). NOTE: The Canadian Tire Award will be awarded to an applicant that resides in the Victoria Capital Regional District.
Are entering or attending a high school equivalency, vocational, technical, undergraduate, or graduate degree program.
Are not Soroptimist members, employees of Soroptimist International of the Americas or immediate family of either.
Apply between August 1st and November 15th of each year. Award recipients are notified in mid-February.
Applications are open from August 1 to November 15 every year. Want us to send you an email when applications open on Aug 1?

Ready, Set, Live Your Dream!
Contact Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore at sivw.award@gmail.com